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I create YouTube tutorials for fellow programmers to learn new concepts and technologies. Here are the video series I have created till date.
My interest lies in exploring technology for creative applications, with a special focus on play experiences and interaction between humans and technology. I'm a game programmer with experience in developing custom game engines in C++ and JavaScript and in creating games using Unreal and Unity.
I’ve worked as a Research Intern at the HAFP Lab at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab with the Fluid Interfaces group, and at the Exertion Games Lab at Monash University.
I have co-authored publications at CHI, UIST, DIS and CHIPlay, and have written a first-authored research paper where we investigate a novel game designed using Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS). I also enjoy creating content on YouTube where I teach about programming and talk about my projects and experiences.
If you want to discuss anything or just want to say hello, I’d love to connect! I reply fastest on email:
Mar 2023 - Jul 2023
Hearty Adventures in Food and Play (HAFP) Lab
Research Intern
The project involved the development of a smartphone game designed to encourage real-world activities that support human gut health. I contributed to and guided developers for the initial versions of the app, and later developed a new version with additional features and better usability as the sole developer. I also contributed to the design of the app to fit the research goals and provided feedback on the pictorial submitted to the Tangible Embodied Interaction (TEI) conference.
React (PWA) | Firebase
Aug 2022 - Feb 2023
Software Engineer
I worked as a software engineer at Twilio India on the Auth team, where we developed tools and APIs for the Role-Based Access Control platform, which can be integrated into Twilio products.
Java (Vaadin, Dropwizard)
Feb 2022 - Jul 2022
MIT Media Lab (Fluid Interfaces)
Research Intern
Working on the KALM project, I contributed to the study of a neurofeedback training protocol for anxiety management using an electroencephalography (EEG) based Affective Brain-Computer Interface (aBCI). I was involved in the design and development of the protocol, running participant studies as well as literature review and writing work for this research.
Neuroelectrics Instrument Controller (NIC2) | Python | MNE | Unity | Empatica E4 | Psychopy | LabRecorder
Aug 2021 - Jan 2022
Exertion Games Lab
Research Intern
I worked on the design and development of social bodily games involving physical touch using Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS), a body actuating technology. I ran an independent pilot study that included brainstorming ideas for games, designing and prototyping these game systems, running participant trials, performing a literature review, and writing a short paper.
Arduino | React Native | Unity
Jun 2021 - Jul 2021
Software Engineering Intern
I contributed to the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) platform by developing front-end modules as well as API endpoints for the Access Manager Service (XMS).
Java (Vaadin, Dropwizard)
May 2020 - Jul 2020
React Native Intern
I worked as a React Native intern at BitHyve, working on their Hexa Bitcoin Wallet app, where I contributed to the app’s UI and front-end functionality.
React Native
Dec 2018 - May 2019
Mednet Labs
Full-Stack Development Intern
During my semester at college, I worked on two healthcare-based React Native apps with Mednet Labs. I also developed web-based modules for self-registration kiosks at hospitals.
React Native | Spring
May 2018 - Jun 2018
Mednet Labs
Full-Stack Development Intern
I worked with Mednet Labs to develop a voice-assistant for hands-free filling of medical examination forms for doctors. The platform allowed doctors to customize the examination form and train the module to recognize medical terms. I also collected feedback from doctors on the use of this platform to improve it for real-world applications.
HTML/CSS/JS | MySQL | Java (Spring) | Web Speech API
DIS 2024 Paper
Shared Bodily Fusion: Leveraging Inter-Body Electrical Muscle Stimulation for Social Play
CHI 2024 Paper
Go-Go Biome: Evaluation of a Casual Game for Gut Health Engagement and Reflection
UIST 2023 Demo
Demonstration of Joie: A Joy-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) with Wearable Skin Conformal Polymer Electrodes
CHIPlay 2023 Paper
Fused Spectatorship: Designing Bodily Experiences Where Spectators Become Players
CHIPlay 2022 Extended Abstracts (Work-in-Progress track)
TouchMate: Understanding the Design of Body Actuating Games using Physical Touch
AOICON 2020 72nd Annual Conference of the Association of Otolaryngologists of India
VTalk, An app for the Deaf